Friday, December 2, 2011

Advertising Guidelines...

Advertising minutes per hour
None mentioned in the code.
Advertising revenue restrictions
None mentioned in the code.
Allowed with very extensive controls and regulations. Ads must not exaggerate the attractions of smoking, encourage people to smoke more, claim any health advantage . Women must not be shown smoking. See the code for more detailed guidance.
Allowed with extensive controls. Visual presentation of doctors, dentists, veterinary surgeons, pharmaceutical chemists, midwives etc. which give the impression of professional advice or recommendation are not allowed. Statements by people giving the impression of being qualified are also not allowed. Treatments for certain conditions may also not be advertised or may be advertised only with certain restrictions. Please refer to the code.
Prohibited in all forms, including betting tips.
Not allowed.
No reference may be made to a hospital test unless the Medical Committee of the hospital concerned is prepared to vouch for its validity.
Food and Beverage
None mentioned explicitly, apart from that the nutritional benefits of vitamins must not be overplayed
Advertisements for sanitary protection are not allowed.
Special care and attention needs to be paid as to how children are represented and addressed in advertising. Issues relating to exploitation, security and hazardous situations should be carefully addressed. Children must be shown to be adequately supervised in their activities and be reasonably well behaved.
Ads should only feature females when the product is of relevance to them. Where women are shown the emphasis should be on the product
rather than on the female model. Social norms regarding dress, music, men and women together, dancing and music must be observed.
Women must dress and be shown in environments consistent with the culture of Pakistan.
Irrelevant data and scientific jargon must not be used to make claims appear to have a scientific basis they do not possess. Evidence must be produced by the advertiser and their agencies to support testimonials / claims. No advertisement for a medicine or treatment may include a testimonial by a person well known in public life, sports, entertainment etc.
Product Placement
An advertisement must be clearly distinguishable as such and recognizably separate from the programmers. Guidelines are also issued on subliminal advertising which is not allowed.
Government Levy
None mentioned in the code. Publicities states that a Government charge of 10% applies to all television advertising. Selected products such as cigarettes, cosmetics and soft drinks carry a 15% levy.

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